Hosting a madrigal dinner? Want to do period centerpieces but fresh out of boar’s head? Apples make for easy yet visually interesting table centerpieces. You could say they are quite aPEELing.

Apples in a Basket
Wicker baskets are a dime a dozen at your local Dollar Store or Goodwill. If you want to add some class, line it with an elegant fabric or moss from a craft store and layer it with Granny Smith and Red Delicious.
Apples in a Vase
Stacking Red Delicious apples (they are one of the reddest) in tall vases with a simple floating candle on top really sets the romantic "we haven't invented electricity yet" mood for your play while creating visually stimulating centerpieces.
Floating Apples in Serving Bowls
Dark wooden bowls with Granny Smith Apples, cinnamon sticks, and floating candles make for a multi-sensory centerpiece. It takes up a bit more room, but if you are serving at round tables of 8, they make elegant anchors to your table.
Adding More to Your Madrigal Dinner
And if you are looking to add more appeal to your banquet hall, you should look at hanging ceiling fabric. It's a cheap yet elegant way to add visual interest to your dining area. It's also a fantastic way to hide eyesores if you are hosting in a cafeteria or gym.
Since you're building an annual event, once you've purchased baskets or vases, you can store them and reuse them yearly. Add fresh fruit with a floating candle, and the rest is elegance.